1. Choose one or some service(s) BCEILANG ''Business translation'', ''Web writing'', and click to sign up/open a customer account with BCEILANG by filling in the online form with your details.

2. Submit/upload your business documents, forward your professional website URL for us to get access to its content and/you can leave your comment for the translation and proofreading services that you want. Tell us more about your services or products and what you want from BCEILANG to write an inspiring and engaging content marketing for your business.

3. BCEILANG forwards you an estimate/a quote for the work you submit to us. You download this free estimate/a quote and the Service level Agreement from your own BCEILANG customer account and you are free to decide to give your agreement/consent to this pending mission. 

 4.You decide to give your agreement to the BCEILANG estimate/quote or invoice

4.1 Sign up/give your agreement to this BCEILANG estimate/quote or invoice, to order the service you want by clicking on ''I accept to pay this estimate/quote''.

4.2 You must give your consent to the BCEILANG Terms and Conditions of Services B2B including the Service level Agreement, as well as the Privacy and cookies Policy. You must sent this estimate/quote/invoice you agree to back through your BCEILANG customer account to the BCEILANG service provider.

5. BCEILANG sends you an acknowledgement of receipt/a confirmation following your reply to this estimate/quote/invoice. Next, you are invited to make your online payment by credit card and you can decide to make your payment in full or in 3 intalments:

  • 1st payment at 40% of the amount

  • 2nd payment at 30% during the mission

  • 3rd payment at 30% of the amount before sending our finished work to the client. 

6. BCEILANG delivers you through your customer account the finished work—your translation, your proofreading, your web copywriting. As soon as you receive this work you have 10 days to review, appraise this work worded by BCEILANG and to request revision of this work if necessary.